In this section you can find answers to the most common questions that relate to our products as well as our work. The knowledge base is regularly updated, expanded and improved to ensure that users have access to the latest information.

Parker is gradually reducing its production program in order to simplify its offerings and replace many obsolete articles with one type of sleeve.

В этой статье вы сможете ознакомиться со списком рукавов, которые сняты с производства и заменами для них. Также вы всегда сможете обратиться к нашим специалистам для подбора аналога с гарантией отсутствия потерь в производительности: info@hydravia.ru.

Yes, this is an option that Parker provides.

In order for a Parker representative to participate in such a project, you must create a project collaboration request and provide us with the following information:

  1. Market type (mobile, industrial, mining, etc.);
  2. Applications (machine tools, presses, loaders, excavators, etc.);
  3. Brief description of the project;
  4. Тип продукции (РВД, фитинги, промышленные рукава, фильтрация, гидрооборудование и т.п.);
  5. Конкуренты;
  6. Потенциал (ориентировочная сумма проекта и ее расчет);
  7. Проблемы (причина возникновения данного проекта, какие проблемы должны быть решены);
  8. Масштаб проекта (сколько единиц техники планируется, есть ли ограничения по времени и т.п.).

На основании Ваших данных мы составим план действий и предоставим свое резюме с собранной технической и коммерческой информацией для определения и обоснования проекта с запросом на совместную работу в компанию Parker.

Далее, в случае заинтересованности проектом компания Parker предоставит свое предложение по формату дальнейшего сотрудничества и ведения проекта.

Parker has recently stopped shipping fittings to distributors by the piece. All fittings are now shipped in factory packs. Each fitting type has a specific number of fittings in each package, ranging from 1 to 25 pieces.

The MP marking means that the fitting is shipped in large boxes (MEGA PACK) of 50 pieces.

In pipe connections you may also encounter the BP (BIG PACK) designation, which means that the fitting is supplied in large boxes of 200 pieces.

No-Skive shankless technology was developed by Parker Hannifin 30 years ago. Assembly of Parker sleeves and fittings does not require removal of the rubber coating prior to assembly.

Parker 811 Series suction and return line hoses are rated for working pressures from 62 to 300 PSI and are designed to withstand elevated temperatures.

They have 2 additional steel wires in the construction to prevent collapse of the sleeve walls when creating high vacuum discharges in suction applications.

811 Series hoses are designed, manufactured and tested to SAE 100R4 requirements. Available in diameters from ¾ to 2 ½ inches, the hoses are available for a wide variety of applications.

We suggest replacing the 792LT sleeves with the SX35LT series. .

Parker SX35LT hose provides stability and reliability of equipment operation at extremely low temperatures with a constant working pressure of 35.0 MPa. Рукав SX35LT изготовлен из композитного материала Parker, благодаря чему сохраняет высокую гибкость при температурах до −57 °C.

Parker's SX42LT Series hoses are hydraulic hoses designed for use at reduced temperatures.

The 461LT Series low-temperature hoses feature low-temperature capabilities down to -50°C and enhanced ozone resistance.

The SX42LT Series is made from Parker composite material specifically designed for extremely low temperatures (down to -57°C) and is capable of handling high impulse loads.

Yes, Parker has the R35TC/RS35TC-48 series with ParLock technology with larger sizes: -40 (ID 63.5mm) and -48 (ID 76.2mm).

The Parker R35TC-40 is tested under exceptionally high impulse loads at 35 MPa working pressure and with a dynamic safety factor greater than 4:1.

RS35TC-48 hoses are approved to ISO 6807-D for offshore and drilling applications.

Due to the larger diameters of these hoses combined with very high pressures, flow rates can be increased, reducing the need for multiple working lines and resulting in significant cost savings.

Parker's 838M series hose is designed for conductive applications such as deionized water lines..

But there are limitations to the use of these hoses:

  • not intended for use in pneumatic brake systems;
  • not suitable for systems with high dynamic pulsation;
  • not recommended for fuels (gasoline, diesel, etc.).

Our company aims to provide quality services for the supply of high-pressure hoses. For this purpose, the company has created a complex system of accounting for coils of high-pressure hoses. According to this system, each coil in all product classes has a unique number, which is assigned to it when it arrives at our warehouses. Our customers have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the composition of the upcoming shipment before the actual realization.

Since January 2014, we have switched to shipment of coils to our customers in accordance with the requirements of international standards, in particular paragraph 5.2.1. of EN853, EN856, EN857.

Today the choice of coils remains possible for all customers with the simultaneous introduction of the rule of proportionality of coil lengths:

  • Coils longer than 20 meters - not less than 80% of the length of coils in the delivery.
  • Coils longer than 10 meters but less than 20 meters - not more than 20% of the coil lengths in the shipment.
  • Coils more than 1 meter long but less than 10 meters - not more than 3% of the length of coils in the delivery.

В случае недостаточности бухт свыше 20 метров, вам будет отгружена продукция в бухтах от 10 до 20 метров по дополнительному согласованию. В случае отсутствия бухт более 10 метров, вам будет предложена к поставке продукция в бухтах менее 10 метров.

In the event that you require coils of a particular standard length, we do not guarantee you the previously agreed prices, which only apply to shipments according to standards.

Prices for non-standard coil lengths can be discussed with your local sales manager.