Product packaging regulations

Archive of canceled revisions
Revision of 11.04.2023


1. General Provisions

  • 1.1. Products shipped from the company's warehouse are shipped according to the assembled numbers (No.) of places formed when picking the goods according to the assembly order.
  • 1.2. Each collected location is a detached, formed, separately packaged and labeled product.
  • 1.3. All products (shipping locations) are packaged in the following types of standard packaging:
    • 1.3.1. No pallet:
      • cardboard box in thermal film;
      • branded polyethylene bag (in a cardboard box with thermal film or sealed with branded tape);
      • bay in stretch wrap.
    • 1.3.2. On a pallet in stretch wrap:
      • coil (factory packed or not);
      • cardboard box (6 sizes), rigid wooden box, etc.
    • Boxes (cardboard, wooden) can be either with the company's own corporate logo or with the corporate logo of the company's supplier. The weight of a bundle, coil should not exceed 50 kg (if a coil or a finished product weighs more than 50 kg, it should be packed separately).
    • 1.3.3. For pallet transportation, the standard weight of one pallet with cargo is up to 700 kg.
  • 1.4. Packaging materials without accompanying information about the company and the products being shipped shall not be used during shipment. Each assembled place (without and on a pallet) must contain information about company affiliation - it is a branded scotch (adhesive tape) with the logo and company name in English ("Hydravia").
  • 1.7. In the last place collected for shipment, the shipping documents are inserted in moisture-proof packaging with the company logo (name):
    • UPD - universal transfer document (original - 1 copy);
    • Copy of the assembly order used as packing list (if applicable).

2. Equipment

Standard shipping terms

Standard shipping terms

Shipped only in rigid packaging or in the manufacturer's packaging. Each type of equipment must be supplied with the original Operation Manual, translation of the Manual into Russian. Before packing the equipment, it is checked for completeness, absence of external damage. The packaging is labeled with a sign of fragile cargo with the logo of "Hydravia" Ltd. The box with the equipment is labeled with an A4 format label upon shipment:

Product packaging regulations

Pressing machines shipped in the manufacturer's cardboard box are equipped with an additional fastener - a wooden bar that presses the machine mounting brackets to the pallet, across the entire width of the pallet. The bar is fastened to the pallet from both sides with self-tapping screws.

Product packaging regulations

The equipment is subject to being photographed:
1) up to the moment of packing the appearance of the equipment (at least 5 photos)
2) in the process of packing - fixing places of equipment fastening, as well as internal and external packing (at least 5 photos).

Photographs shall be kept for a minimum of three (3) months.

Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules

Non-standard shipping terms

The equipment can be packed additionally in a heavy-duty wooden crate for a fee set by the transportation company.

Types of additional packing: pallet board, rigid packing, additional cargo handling, sack, soft packing.

3. Distributors, rotators, hydraulic motors, other expensive spare parts

Standard shipping terms

Shipped only in rigid packaging or rigid cardboard. Before packing, the appearance of the product is checked for rust, cracks and other external damage. Each type of product is provided with a technical passport. If available, the technical documentation for the product is inserted. The packaging is labeled with a fragile cargo sign with the logo of Hydravia Ltd.

Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules

Non-standard shipping terms

Spare parts can be packed additionally in a heavy duty wooden crate for a fee set by the transportation company.
Types of additional packing: pallet board, rigid packing, additional cargo handling, sack, soft packing.

4. Drill Sleeves

Standard shipping terms

Product packaging rules

Shipped only in rigid packaging (rigid cardboard is acceptable). The ends of the finished products are packed in polyethylene or closed with thermo plugs. For a batch of finished products of one size, a tag with the logo of Gidravia Ltd. is produced, indicating the quantity, full name, date of manufacture, name and signature of the responsible person. Reinforced hoses are packed in bundles or coils with observance of minimum bending radius. Bundles, coils are tied with twine or packed in stretch film. The weight of a bundle, coil should not exceed 50 kg (if a coil or a finished product weighs more than 50 kg, it is necessary to pack it separately). Each drill hose is marked with an individual number. For each type of finished products and drilling hoses a quality passport is issued, which contains the name and signature of the responsible person.

Non-standard shipping terms

The ends of the finished products can be closed with plastic plugs for a fee. The assembled high-pressure hoses can be packed additionally in a heavy-duty wooden crate for a fee set by the transportation company.
Types of additional packing: pallet board, rigid packing, additional cargo handling.

5. Reinforced high pressure hoses

Standard shipping terms

Product packaging rules

Reinforced hoses are packed in bundles or coils with minimum bending radius. Packs, coils are tied with twine or packed in stretch film. The weight of a bundle, coil should not exceed 50 kg (if a coil or a finished product weighs more than 50 kg, it is necessary to pack it separately). A passport is issued for each type of finished product. They are shipped in a separate place.

Product packaging rules

To prevent dirt from getting into the hose cavity, thermal plugs are installed on the ends of the pressed hoses, which take the shape of the end fitting when heated with a thermofan and reliably protect the hose cavity from dirt.

Product packaging rules

For a batch of finished products of the same size, a label with the company logo is produced, indicating the quantity, full name, date of manufacture.

Upon customer request (for any shipments from St. Petersburg and Moscow), the sleeves are marked with special stickers that are UV and moisture resistant.

Product packaging rules

Non-standard shipping terms

Types of additional packing: pallet board, rigid packing, additional cargo handling, sack, soft packing. Upon agreement with the customer, it is allowed to pack the finished product in a polyethylene bag without installing thermal seals.

Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules

6. High-pressure hoses and industrial hoses (meterage)

Standard shipping terms

Product packaging rules

Packed in coils with minimum bending radius. Shipped in coils equipped with a label with the logo of Hydravia LLC or a manufacturer's label indicating the type of VFD, its parameters, the exact number of meters and the signature of the responsible person of our company. The label is hidden under stretch film and adhesive tape with the logo of United Hydraulic Company or Hydravia Ltd. Verso sleeves are packed in stretch film with the name of the trade mark (Verso). The number of places equal to the number of coils in the shipment is indicated in the bill of lading of the transportation company and assembly order.

Large batches of hoses (for palletized shipments) are shipped in the manufacturer's cardboard boxes. Any stickers of product manufacturers, stickers of transportation companies in case of international transportation must be removed before shipment. In this case, the number of shipping locations indicated is the number of pallets of sleeves shipped, provided the pallets are properly packed.

Proper pallet packaging is cartons that cannot physically be repacked at the shipping company, and any damage to them will mean damage to the shipping location.

High-pressure hoses starting from DN25 (1") in case of small orders are shipped on a pallet, with the hose additionally lined with cardboard around the edges to avoid damage during transportation.

Industrial hoses starting from DN25 (1"), for small orders (up to 50 kg), are shipped packed in cardboard or cardboard boxes.

Teflon (PTFE) hoses are shipped packaged in cardboard or cardboard boxes, regardless of their diameter.

Pallets used for transportation of hoses must be without protruding elements (nails) that can damage the hose when displaced, as well as additionally used cushioning cardboard between the goods and the pallet.

Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules

Sleeves manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the standards are shipped in accordance with the rules specified in those standards.

Non-standard shipping terms

When shipping coils of hoses, each coil may be additionally packed at an additional charge set by the transportation company.

Types of additional packing: pallet board, rigid packing, additional cargo handling, sack, soft packing.

7. Seals

Standard shipping terms

Each set of seals is packaged in a separate company branded bag.

Product packaging rules

A branded marking sticker (label) with the name, article, quantity (pcs.) is affixed to the package. Shipped in cardboard boxes sealed with branded tape with the company logo.

8. Fittings for hoses, couplings, pipe couplings, quick couplings, ball valves, valves

Standard shipping terms

Product packaging rules

The first type of packaging - shipped homogeneous products (one article) in a separate box. Branded sticker (with company logo, article, name and quantity) is affixed on the outside of the package - company (factory) box of the company supplier (or company box with Hydravia logo).

The company's brand label is either pasted on the old supplier's label or next to it (top, side) on the box. In the latter case, the old supplier's brand label on the box is crossed out (cross on cross) with a marker or removed.

Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules

The second type of packaging is for shipped heterogeneous products (several articles) in a prefabricated box. The brand label is affixed on the inside of the package for homogeneous products packed in a box in bulk. Other products (with a different article) are put into the box, packed in separate branded polyethylene bags. Each bag is labeled with its own branded sticker (with the company logo, article, name and quantity).

The old supplier label on the outside of the box is blacked out (crossed out) with a marker or removed.

If the shipment is not palletized, each carton is thermally wrapped to reduce the risk of damage to the packaging.

Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules

Non-standard shipping terms

Boxes can be formed on a pallet and additionally be packed in polyethylene for an additional fee according to the tariffs of the transportation company.

Types of additional packing: pallet board, rigid packing, additional cargo handling, sack, soft packing.

9. Plastic protection

In case of box shipments, plastic protection is shipped in the manufacturer's packaging. In case of shipment by meter, the protection is packed in stretch film or polyethylene bags with the logo of Hydravia Ltd.

Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules

Non-standard shipping terms

Plastic protection can be packed additionally in a heavy-duty wooden crate for a fee set by the tariffs of the transportation company.

Types of additional packing: pallet board, rigid packing, additional cargo handling, sack, soft packing.

10. Hydraulic pipes (in meters)

Standard shipping terms

Cut pipes of the same size are packed in bundles and, depending on the ordered length, tied with scotch tape or plastic tape (on the edges and in the middle). To avoid damage and ingress of foreign particles, the pipe ends are blinded, and the edges are wrapped with cardboard and wrapped in stretch film. Each bundle of pipes is provided with an identification label.

Packed pipes are shipped packed in stretch film. The weight of the bundle shall not exceed 50 kg.

Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules

Non-standard shipping terms

Upon shipment, the pipes may be additionally packed at an additional charge set by the transportation company.

Types of additional packaging: wooden crate, lattice, rigid packaging, sack.

11. Measuring instruments (manometers)

Measuring instruments (pressure gauges) are packed in bubble wrap and individual cardboard box, labeled with a label Fragile Goods..

Product packaging rules

12. Packaging materials used in the shipment of products.

12.1. Packing list with company logo is a copy of the assembly order.

Product packaging rules

12.2. Branded tags for high-pressure hoses (meter or reinforced) with company logo.

Product packaging rules

12.3. Branded stickers with company logo, name, article and quantity of products.

Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules

12.4. Branded adhesive tape (Scotch tape) with company logo.

Product packaging rules

12.5. Branded fragile cargo stickers with company logo.

Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules

12.6. Packing bags with company logo.

Product packaging rules
Product packaging rules

12.7. Branded boxes with company logo.

Product packaging rules

12.8. Additional Documents mark on the package at the location of the shipping documents.

Product packaging rules

13. Instructions for acceptance of cargo by buyers (recommendations)

Due to problems arising in the course of transportation due to the fault of transport companies, we propose to accept the cargo in strict compliance with these rules:

  • 13.1. Prior to receiving the shipment, request information on the number of places and methods of product packaging, total weight of the products. This information can be provided upon request or sent automatically to the e-mail address specified as contact address.
  • 13.2. Before directly accepting the shipment, carefully read the bill of lading of the transportation company, which should indicate the weight of products and the number of places.
  • 13.3. Check the number of seats and verify with the sender's data.
  • 13.4. Check the quality of the packaging of each of the locations received.
  • 13.5. Weigh the products and compare them with the data from the delivery note of the transportation company as well as with the data from the delivery note of our company attached to the last place of shipment in cases:
  • 13.5.1. In case of damage to any of the locations;
  • 13.5.2. In case the place of shipment is not packed with our company's adhesive tape or the place is overpacked;
  • 13.5.3. In case you are suspicious about the quality of the packaging.
  • 13.6. In case of discrepancies, call a representative of the transportation company to draw up an acceptance certificate indicating the difference in weight and to draw up an inventory of attachments to identify the missing goods and confirm the amount of loss.